Monday, November 06, 2006


Some of you may know the feeling...when your heart stops beating as he gets down on one knee. But then you realize that it is a "fake-out" as you try to calm yourself. After all, its only been seven dates!

But I'm sure there are plenty of you that have experienced that wonderful moment of utter joy and knowledge that the person you will spend the rest of your life with has just committed himself to you forever.

For those of us hopeless-romantics who love to read about the joyous bliss in others, this web site is here to give us the "aaaaaw" we would be whispering if we would be there at that special moment.

So in between glances at the fine jewelry he spent his hard earned money (i.e. parents) on, post your story for the rest of us to enjoy....and if we are lucky, learn from.


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